We produce this kit for customers who don't want 30plus year old fuel lines with newly rebuilt carbs.
The original fuel lines can deteriorate internally, even though they still look good from the outside.
We now have a complete kit of three black braided fuel lines and six bright zinc plated screw type fuel line clamps.
If you are fitting my cleanable alloy filter you need longer lines.
The 150mm pipe fits from pump to plenum.
The 160mm is a fraction longer than OEM to accomodate the fuel filter.
The main line from the fuel tank to the filter is 170mm to fit with the alloy bodied cleanable fuel filter.
(To buy the filter only, see the info page here):
This can easily be adapted to suit the standard filter by cutting off 20mm.
If you are doing a complete overhaul of your carburettors, don't spoil all your hard work by forgetting these fuel lines.
Fuel Line Kit only:
Price: £15.00 / $19.95 plus shipping
Fuel Line Kit, Cleanable Alloy Filter and Spacer
Price: £28.50 / $36.00 plus shipping.

An online source dedicated to Honda's amazing four cylinder Goldwings!
Both Kits including shipping to UK
Both Kits including shipping wordwide
We do a special offer for those of you with the GL1000 by combining this kit together with our Air Tube Kit.
View that kit here:
GL1000 Fuel Line Kit and Air Tube Kit combined:
Price: £26.00 / $35.00 plus shipping.
GL1000 Fuel Line Kit, Filter and Air Tube Kit combined:
Price: £32.00 / $50.00 plus shipping.
Both Kits including shipping to UK
Both Kits including shipping worldwide

GL1000 Combination Kit