This a recently completed set of 755B. Stainless button head screws thoughout as these look more like OEM than Cap screws but with the advantages of the Allen head. Most washers and split pins are now in stainless too. Check out the larger images
Carburettor Reconditioning
Your carburettors can be rebuilt to this standard.
Carbs totally stripped and ultrasonically cleaned.
All new gaskets and 'O'rings
Plenum chamber split, cleaned and new gasket.
Worn or broken parts replaced with new.
Air cut-off valve(s) rebuilt.
Statically balanced.
Carb tops polished.
Stainless button head screws.
Included are 4 inlet manifold O rings

Carb rebuilds are on hold for the moment.
If all this sounds good to you, I need some information and you need to know where to send them.
Please fill in this form first:
I will contact you and make arrangements. Once we have dates set, you can post them to me at the Glasgow UK address on the GET HELP page.
Make special note of the Post Office / ParcelForce/ Couriers info in the email I send you!!

An online source dedicated to Honda's amazing four cylinder Goldwings!

From This!
To This!
Basic Price Breakdown:-
Strip, ultrasonic clean, check all parts, assess any damaged or worn parts. Email report to owner.
Basic rebuild: GL1000:- £450
This rebuild also includes the stainless steel screw kit and new pilot air and vacuum pipes.
GL1100:- £475 due to the much higher cost due to the extra cut-off valves
also includes the stainless steel screw kit
From experience, I have found that 95% of all the carbs I get in need the throttle spindle seals replacing, so this is now included in the rebuild.
NEW! The price also includes bright zinc replating of the steel parts.
With most of these carbs well over 40 years old it's no surprise that the steelwork is almost always rusty. I have taken the decision to have all steel replated because it's the right thing to do to make your rebuild look as near new as I can.
In addition, these parts can also be fitted if needed and agreed at the time:
New slow fuel jets (GL1000) £18.00 /set of 4
New drain screws £24.00 /set of 4
Polish all four tops £32.00 (included in full rebuild price)
OEM Honda Float valves (4) (varies, but expensive!) £100.00 approx
New float pins (4) £16.00
Randakks stainless float needle valve retainers (4) £20.00
OEM style braided fuel lines & stainless clips to suit £13.00(included in full rebuild price)
Cleanable alloy filter with spacer to fit the standard Honda filter holder £12.00
K0 GL1000 throttle arm fix (for alloy arms only) £25.00
Replace throttle spindles felt seals £25.00(included in full rebuild price)
Obviously, with carbs that are 40 or more years old, parts can be worn out, damaged, missing etc.,
I can only give a rough guide as above, until I have the carbs in my hands. I would keep you informed as we went into them so that there are no nasty surprises at the end!
If I find that your carbs are not fit for refurbishment, I will attempt to find you another set. The set on the left is total scrap, as the jet and float pin towers have been eaten away.
Keep in mind that a decent used set of carbs will set you back anywhere between £100 to £250 on their own. Parts come in from the States, Japan, Canada; with shipping, Customs duty and VAT to add to that. Plus the plating cost.
There is a minimum of 12 hours work to get a set of carbs done to this standard.
The price does not amount to much per hour!
Could you save money and do it yourself?
Sure you could. You do have an ultrasonic cleaner, yes? If you want to get them properly clean, you'll need one.
You want to pull in parts from Canada, England and different parts of the States?
Do you have the contacts to get replacements for any broken or unservicable parts?
I have 40 years experience of working with this kind of stuff; can you say the same?
Here's my guarantee: If you have a problem with anything I have done (or not done!) when you get them, return them and I will fix it and refund your shipping!
A service done in the UK: GL1000 and GL1100 only at the moment - others to follow later
A recently reconditioned set of GL1100 carburettors, all the way over here from a customer from Luxembourg!

Now this should be quite obvious to everyone.
The ultrasonic cleaning process mentioned above is mainly to get the internal passageways cleaned out.
If your carb set looks like Swamp Thing has had them underwater for decades or they look like a solid block of oil and dirt when they arrive here, there WILL be additional cleaning charges.
A set I have just done has taken eight hours just to get the outsides looking right!
So do yourself a favour and save money by at least giving the outsides a good clean off.
I now have an additional service for your GL1000 carbs with unservicable cracked or broken top buttons.
I can replace these damaged items with Pistol Pete's OEM look new buttons.
This will save a lot of grief in the future as there will be no need to go hunting for a set of tops with matching slides.
More details here:
This set recently sent in was beyond repair. The jet towers were rotted away, the jet holder rusted into the jets and falling apart.
Only useful as some spare parts.
Juan recently sent me a set of early GL1000 carbs for rebuilding, all the way from Madrid, Spain
"Hi John,
Just got my carbs back. Opened them up to have a look and WOW! Impressed with the outcome they look incredible!
Will send you a photo once they are on too so you see how well the thing turned out.
I almost have her completely fine tuned.
She runs like never before, good idle, revs with no hesitations and really gives you a kick above 6000 RPM.
Thank you so much and going to enjoy her a ton since I use it around Madrid a lot to move around and little weekend trips.
Thank you John!
Juan "
Ian, from England
Just a further update, John.
I've just re-fitted the carbs to my GL1000 and synchronised them.......What a breeze!
I had very little of the "adjustment tool upsetting the engine speed as you're trying to adjust/tighten the locknuts" (mentioned in a forum post) and I had them synced more accurately than ever before.
Including the time taken to unbox my gauges and connect them to the vacuum ports, the job took 25 mins! ( Not including warm-up time for the engine, though!). The bike runs nice and throttle response is very crisp.
Thank you once again,
Ian (Maz)
Paul P, from England
Hi John I have sent you a message on the success of the carbs. You did say they would go from first of and they did ....Just need to let her settle a bit now before final tweak etc.
I have to date never had her like this in 2/12 years and I'm only sorry I had not found you before.
I have posted you on 2 face book sites and left your web address on both.I assure you any additional business I can generate for you I will do so. In today's world it is very hard to find proper engineers who know what they are doing and are straight with you from the off and not ripping you off either. I will do a video of her when she is all back together and also feel free to use any of my comments on your site. If i can be of any help please do not hesitate to contact me.....Will keep you posted .....MANY MANY THANKS GREAT WORK MAN SHIP...